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Punch Headband Scream

Punch Headband Scream


•It is handmade with punch embroidery technique.


• Silk velvet fabric is used in the inner lining.


•Crown width is 5 cm, end-to-end length is 42 cm.




Scream was inspired by Edward Munch's famous painting 'The Scream' [1893]


According to what the painter tells in his diary, he is walking with two of his friends, while the sun is setting and he is blood-red. The painter felt tired and leaned against the banisters. His two friends continued to walk. The painter expresses in his diary that he felt the cry of nature at this time.


The painter is sick while making this painting.


While he was sick, perhaps a wonderful sunset turned into a huge scream for the painter...


We wish you to always stay healthy in this world where there is no jewel more valuable than health❤️

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